Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Water Pressure

Water Pressure....

something you don't really put much thought into until it is gone.

After about a week of standing flat up against the wall of the shower to have enough water to rinse out our hair, we figured out what was going on with the water pressure and were able to fix it for no cost.

In fact, we fixed it so well that now the drain in the shower cannot keep up with the water output.

Ah, the joys of home ownership....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

National Arboretum

If you have not been to the National Arboretum, I would strongly suggest that you go. We had a wonderful afternoon there a couple of weekends ago.

Plenty of space for kids to run, place to have a picnic, and wonderful photography opportunities. It's FREE as well.

In Unison

I love this photograph. Look how perfectly in unison they are--arms and feet in the same motion. Same body type and shape of the head. What a glorious thing to have two such amazing men in my life.

Trucks, Wal-Mart, and Life's Funny Turns

I was sitting at a stop light yesterday,
Driving our truck
Pregnant with kid #2
In small town Virginia
Going to Wal-Mart.....

I was suddenly struck with how different life turns out sometimes from what you had planned or thought you would be doing many years earlier.

Funny how different decisions twist and turn your life to put you in a particular place and time.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Internet Resources for Little Kids

Having watched us on the computer frequently, it is not surprising that LM has started to gain an interest in online activities. His attention span is very short when it comes to me finding interesting things to look at, so I thought I would start a list of sites that he likes and ones that I've found to try.

  • Variety of topics and activities
  • I am trying to stay away from commercial sites and those with characters like PBS Kids and Nick, Jr.
  • Appropriate for a preschooler
  • FUN

National Gallery of Art Cake Maker

U.S. National Zoo Solve a Jigsaw Puzzle

To Try
The Tate Build an Imaginary City

Fisher Price Toddler Games