Saturday, June 28, 2008

Quilting Group

I joined a quilting group and went to my first work session today. It was really good. I wanted to do something that fed my need to contribute to this world, meet some new people, and maybe pick up a few sewing tips. The group is through my church, and the blankets are distributed through Lutheran World Relief. Here are the instructions for making the quilts.

Some of the women had patched pieces together to make tops already, so I worked on knotting the layers together. Learned a new way to do that, which is different than the way shown at Happy Things. If I am feeling industrious later, maybe I will post some pics of the technique as well as a nifty way to thread a needle easily. (I had never seen it before, but it is probably old news to veteran sewers.)

Anyway, enough procrastinating--time to tackle the piles of paper--receipts and old check books this time.

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