Friday, February 27, 2009

Reality Check

OK, so the removal of sugar from the diet didn't last very long, but I have cut back.

On a totally different note...Wayne is doing some work on a house that a couple is flipping. I got off of work early today, so I stopped by.

It was a total reality check. In actuality, I have been in a lot worse houses and neighborhoods, but let's just say this place made our middle, middle class house look like a mansion. There clearly had been at least two families living in the single family home; there was a broken window, and the carpet was absolutely disgusting.

I'm not writing this to be judgmental at all but rather as a reminder to myself about how incredibly well off my family is and to be more thankful on a regular basis.

Sometimes it's good to have something smack you in the face.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One day down

Oh yeah, no extra sugar today. One day down

Breakfast: boiled egg

Lunch: tofu with apricot/picante sauce, raw carrots, cream-on-top yogurt

Mid-day Snack: apple and the rest of the carrots

After Work Snack: hot tea with honey and a dill pickle

Supper: mashed potatoes, gravy, sauerkraut, green beans, and cube steak

Night time snack: apple with cheddar cheese

Monday, February 16, 2009

Eating Habits

For a lot of reasons, I have been thinking about my eating habits and that of our family's.

I'm sure part of it is because I'm pregnant and more conscious of what I am eating. I also just shake my head sometimes at the food LM consumes--candy, processed food (not all of the time but enough for me to think about it). I also have not been feeling particularly well--a lot of headaches lately. Last time I had these symptoms, I learned that I was sensitive to wheat, so maybe there is something else my body doesn't like.

[This blog has mainly been devoted to crafting, but I may write more about my gluten free journey at some point.]

Rachel at has posted some thought-provoking blogs about food (and money) and pointed me toward The Nourishing Gourmet and Nourishing Days. I've been doing a lot of reading this evening.

A couple of weeks ago the Washington Post featured consumer supported agriculture (CSA) in the Food section, and I checked out to find a farm near us. I emailed them tonight to see if any of the shares were still available.

I have a few things working against me:
  • I honestly really don't get much joy out of cooking. Not something I want to spend a lot of time doing, particularly after working all day
  • Baking is a totally different story--love to bake and love to eat sweet baked goods
  • My husband is not an adventurous eater at all. On the up side, he eats anything I put in front of him and doesn't complain at all.
I thought I might go small to start. No white sugar for a day. Now I know that doesn't sound very ambitious (and it is not), but I think right now in my life small victories are good. So that means:
  • No sugar in hot tea
  • No sugar in the grits (which I eat like oatmeal)
  • No sodas (I really don't like soda much anyway but have been craving something bubbly a lot lately; need to find a good substitute.)
  • No Kool-Aid. It is a childhood thing; many fond memories
  • No 2:00 candy snack (mainly Peppermint patties)
  • No cookies for dessert
It's just one day; anybody can do anything for a day, right?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Updated Blog Roll

I have added a few blogs to the Blog Reader recently.

  • Sew, Mama, Sew! is where I got the pattern for the kid's towel, and I found these great Rice Heat Therapy Bags today that I want to make.
  • Excited about finding Elena's Pantry. Looks like super yummy gluten free cooking.

Finally Finished

In an effort to finish up some projects before starting new ones, I completed this baby blanket tonight that I had started here.

Notice anything a little bit off about it? Yeah, the blue border was supposed to go all the way around. See what happens when you don't follow the directions closely.

I'm not crazy about it; I'm not really a pastel kinda baby person, but it was good practice.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sewing Projects that Caught My Eye

This tote bag is probably over my sewing ability, but I may give it a shot.

I can definitely handle this child's pool robe

and I have always wanted to make a quilt

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pep Up

I have been feeling rather depressed and overwhelmed lately. To shake the funk, I forced myself to be productive today. For pepping up sake, I am ignoring the disasters that consume most of the house and am focusing on all the positive things completed so far today:
  1. Got up early (I count 7:00 on a Saturday early, don't you?)
  2. Shredded old files, making room for some of the paperwork that was all over the counter
  3. Entered all receipts for January and balanced all of the accounts
  4. Made homemade split pea soup (side note: I have eaten the strangest things today: 2 dill pickles, beans with Miracle Whip, 2 bowls of aforementioned soup, and an entire pitcher of Kool-Aid. oh, and 2 pieces of French toast.)
  5. Ordered husband's Valentine's Day present
  6. Did two loads of laundry
  7. Loaded and started the dishwasher
  8. Wrapped a present for a small friend
  9. Finished making stepmother's bday present and got it wrapped
  10. Took a walk in the glorious fresh air and sunshine

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I can't believe it has been over a month since last I wrote in the blog. Just shows that I haven't done much crafty lately.

I finished these reversible capes yesterday for my niece and nephew's birthday. I slightly modified the pattern from Puking Pastilles. I think they'll like them.