Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pep Up

I have been feeling rather depressed and overwhelmed lately. To shake the funk, I forced myself to be productive today. For pepping up sake, I am ignoring the disasters that consume most of the house and am focusing on all the positive things completed so far today:
  1. Got up early (I count 7:00 on a Saturday early, don't you?)
  2. Shredded old files, making room for some of the paperwork that was all over the counter
  3. Entered all receipts for January and balanced all of the accounts
  4. Made homemade split pea soup (side note: I have eaten the strangest things today: 2 dill pickles, beans with Miracle Whip, 2 bowls of aforementioned soup, and an entire pitcher of Kool-Aid. oh, and 2 pieces of French toast.)
  5. Ordered husband's Valentine's Day present
  6. Did two loads of laundry
  7. Loaded and started the dishwasher
  8. Wrapped a present for a small friend
  9. Finished making stepmother's bday present and got it wrapped
  10. Took a walk in the glorious fresh air and sunshine

1 comment:

Zsenya said...

I'm sorry you've been feeling down lately, but I have to say - it also sounds like you were incredibly productive today! 7:00 on a Saturday is definitely early.